
Terra Firma Business Travel and Personal Security Guidelines

  • July 14, 2016

A new document has been added to the Resources section, entitled “Terra Firma Business Travel and Personal Security guidelines”.

Please visit the Free Downloads page to download this report.

Terra Firma ‘What if……?’ Booklet

  • July 14, 2016

A new document has been added to the Resources section, entitled “Terra Firma ‘What if……?” booklet”.

Please visit the Free Downloads page to download this report.

Terra Firma Company Brochure

  • July 14, 2016

A new document has been added to the Resources section, entitled “Terra Firma Company Brochure”.

Please visit the Free Downloads page to download this report.

New Report: Southern Nigeria in flux

  • March 10, 2016

A new report has been added to the Resources section, entitled “Southern Nigeria in flux – February 2016”.

Please visit the Free Downloads page to download this report.

UPDATE – Letter From Caracas

  • February 4, 2016

The Letter From Caracas in our Free Downloads section has now been updated (previous version, September 2015) to a new report, for February 2016.

To access the download, along with other free Terra Firma Risk Management reports on global security, click here.

New Report Published: “Islamic State and Kidnap in North Africa”

  • December 3, 2015

Terra Firma Risk Management have today published a new report entitled “Islamic State and Kidnap in North Africa”.

This report, along with several others, may be accessed at the Free Downloads section of this website, by filling out the online form.

Click here to download a free report today.

Terra Firma Advisors Feature in Economist Article About “Quickie Kidnappings”

  • June 9, 2015

Terra Firma featured in a recent Economist article.

The following excerpts are taken from the article:

In Venezuela, where the number of abductions is rising, “express kidnappings” are the most common sort, according to the Venezuelan Violence Observatory (OVV), a think-tank based in Caracas.

Terra Firma, a security firm with a branch in the city, has noticed that kidnappings surge every two weeks, when most people get paid their wages, which suggests that the victims are working-class.

Economic hardship is one reason for the persistence of low-rent kidnapping. In Venezuela, where the economy is in a slump and foreign currency is scarce, fewer hostages can pay big-dollar ransoms, says a negotiator from Terra Firma.

The Economist “Quickie kidnappings – As abductions get faster, the poor are being targeted along with the rich” – June 6th 2015

For more on Terra Firma Risk Management kidnap response service, please click here.

Terra Firma Expand Footprint

  • May 26, 2015

We have recently hired a consultant based in South Africa who has extensive experience of security risk management and kidnap response.

We have also added two new Associates in Pakistan (Islamabad & Karachi), one in India and two in the UK. This brings our core advisory team up to twelve exclusively retained consultants and our associate network up to 26 trusted security specialists.

Terra Firma Adviser at Frontline Club

  • February 9, 2015

A representative from Terra Firma joined the panel of experts at the Frontline Club discussion on 27 January 2015 on Kidnaps, Ransoms and Media Blackouts, along with Richard Sambrook (Professor of Journalism and Director of the Centre for Journalism at the Cardiff School of Journalism, Media & Cultural Studies), Anthony Lloyd (The Times), Joel Simon ( the executive director of the Committee to Protect Journalists, Diane Foley (mother of James Foley who was murdered by IS in 2014) and Carl Newns (Head of Media Office and press secretary to the Foreign Secretary at the FCO).

[Video] Terra Firma Risk Management Consultant on Fox News Discussing Sydney Hostage Negotiations

  • February 9, 2015

Our consultant in Sydney was on Fox News recently discussing hostage negotiations during the attacks in the city.

For the full item, visit the Fox News website, here.